What is Personal Branding? Who are you as a business? Why do people go to Starbucks and not just any coffee shop?
Personal branding is the first impression about you or your company. Personal branding’s main purpose is to help you stand out from the crowd and improve your professional brand, which will, in turn, lead to career success and success for your organization. If you’re searching for a job or simply looking to advance professionally, a strong personal brand can serve as your competitive advantage.

Following are some tips for developing a personal brand :
1. Figure out who you are.
In the world of personal branding, there are several factors that determine how people view you. These are the aspects of your personality that make you who you are, and they are what will ultimately define your brand. What do people know about you? What do they like about you? What do they hate about you? How can you turn these aspects into strengths, and how can you turn your weaknesses into opportunities for improvement?
For example,
MAMA EARTH, the brand started as a baby-care label but has since expanded its business to sell personal care products.
2. Determine what you want to be known for.
Most people are familiar with the concept of personal branding. They think about how their clothes, car, home, and other aspects of their appearance reflect their personality. But what about your words? What about your work?
When you answer that question, you can build your personal brand around it. That’s what personal branding is all about: creating a clear and consistent message about your brand to the people around you. It’s the foundation of everything for your brand.

3. Define your audience.
Who is your audience?
First, determine who you’re trying to reach. Is it other industry thought leaders? An individual at a particular company? Recruiters? The sooner you define the audience, the easier it will be to craft your story, because you’ll better understand the type of story you need to tell (and where you need to tell it.) Being visible is important for credibility, but it also allows you to build relationships with potential contacts and contributors with whom you might not otherwise come into contact.
What kind of content do they consume?
Identify which content types resonate most with your audience so that you can better tailor your presentation style in front of online marketing.
For example,
- To continue acquiring new customers and growing brand awareness, Mamearth expanded its digital campaign strategies. These included promoting its mobile app, creating weekly flash sales that customers could look forward to, and reaching and retaining high-value customers.
4. Research your desired industry and follow the experts.
While online personal branding can help you find a steady stream of customers and build lasting relationships, it requires time and effort to do properly. You’ll need to devote a lot of energy to writing, networking and promoting your business in order to improve your online visibility and become a trusted authority in your space.
- Mamaearth grew the brand using a primarily digital-first strategy. With Facebook’s creative solutions, Mamaearth brought its story of an all-natural, toxin-free skincare brand to life.
In building a personal brand, your goal is to stand out—but you can’t rise to the top without taking inventory of who’s already there.
- Mama Earth researched the target market and known the audience from which they realise that the baby products are made up of toxic chemicals and reassured the audience for the toxic-free products from the brand.

5. Embrace networking.
Tapping into the power of networking — one of the most effective ways of getting ahead — is all about embracing who you are and what you bring to the table. That means being willing to put yourself out there; networking doesn’t happen when you sit back and wait for people to come to you.
- Mamaearth used dynamic ads, which automatically serves relevant ads to people based on their interests and actions. With this, the organic skincare brand delivered a personalized experience to customers by showing them products they had previously browsed.
6. Grow your online presence.
Go online and find out the blogs related to your industry, or where your brand contributes to your thinking. Look for people who are successful and examine what they’re doing. Imitate them, and then do one better.”
In building a personal brand, your goal is to stand out—but you can’t rise to the top without taking inventory of who’s already there.
- Mama Earth researched the target market and known the audience from which they realise that the baby products are made up of toxic chemicals and reassured the audience for the toxic-free products from the brand.
7. Reinvent your Personal Brand as you grow.
As the digital ecosystem changes and your career evolves, so will your personal brand. Adjust your persona accordingly as you meet different people, find new networking opportunities, and grow in your career. As long as it reflects your professional life, don’t hesitate to create a brand that lets you shine.
- Mamaearth, which started out with just six products in its portfolio, now has over 100 SKUs. It introduced close to 12 new products during the lockdown, including ingredients like Vitamin C and Bhring Amla. From selling baby care products during the initial days, the company, over the years, has evolved into becoming a big name in the personal care segment.